About Me
I am a Master’s student in Data Science at Columbia University (end Dec 2022) that is also pursing a MSc in Engineering (Diplôme d’ingénieur) at Telecom Paris.
As an aspiring data scientist and machine learning enthusiast, I am looking to use my problem-solving skills to drive insights and technology that have an impact on online platforms and user experience. I believe my collaboration skills gained from projects that were led under pressure and time constraints allow my team to consistently deliver.
I’m also passionate about other topics such as music composition, music production, and film-making. My creative background makes me a creative data enthusiast that differs from others by constantly thinking outside the box and looking for imaginative solutions.
Squeeze-and-excitation Networks: TensorFlow implementation of Squeeze-and-excitation blocks on different convolutional neural networks such as ResNet-18, ResNeXt-29 and InceptionV3 using CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and Tiny ImageNet. [Report].
Image classification using merged CNNs - Kaggle challenge: a use of two merged pre-trained convolutional neural networks (ResNet-50V2 and InceptionV3) to get a top score in a bottle classification Kaggle challenge. The model predicts how much water or soda a bottle contains.
Analysis of pro-level competitive matches in Counter-Strike Global Offensive: a data visualization and exploration of matches in a first person shooter game using R and D3.
Graph animation guide with gg animate and After Effects: a guide on graph animations with a workflow involving gganimate and Adobe After Effects.
Linear time densest subgraph approximation: analysis of very large graphs requires approximation algorithms to efficiently retrieve information. A linear time of a 2-approximation algorithm was implemented in Python and C++ [Report].
Decentralized Task-distribution in Peer-to-Peer Networks: Netlogo implementation of a multi-agent system that achieves decentralized task-distribution in peer-to-peer networks. A set of agents aim to distribute a number of tasks of different types equally among themselves by coordination via a communication network. [Report (French)]
3D Maze using the Java 3D api: a 3D maze using Java3D with a dynamic camera, adaptive mini-map and auto solver functionality.
Green Guy Project: innovation project - online platform that allows users to promote ecology through geo-located events. (Team of 7 students working on a community-based project)
Forum shooter Android version - Android port of an Unreal engine 4 first person shooter: a solo game project made to promote a career fair event organized by students at Telecom Paris. Changes had to be made to port the game to Android.
Forum shooter - Unreal engine 4 first person shooter: a solo UE4 game project made to promote a career fair event organized by students at Telecom Paris.
email: an3078[at]columbia[dot]edu